Ready to join?

Pay fee to begin your membership

Your SCA Membership information will be gathered from your PayPal. If you have a website or any corrections to add, please list below. 

Make sure to check your spam folder to review your welcome email from

Fee reduces upon entering your 2nd year.

Note: South Carolina Artists does not sell or share membership information. Artists information on Membership forms is maintained for active members only. 

Name of new member

We Do Not

  • We do not accept payments in order to secure a specific artist or location
  • We do not show favoritism,
  • We do not judge art,
  • We do not reject any artist or form of art based on age, style, genre, economic status, gender, sexual orientation, race, experience or the like, 
  • We do not exhibit horror/gore, nudes, overtly political or religious art,
  • We do not give into unfounded conspiracy theories or condone intolerance,
  • We do not take commission, percentage of sales or tips, ever.

Want to join SCA?
Are you ready to exhibit your art but having difficulties finding a location?  Do you grow weary of high commissions, extreme fees, disproportionate percentages of sales charged by galleries, cafes and other art groups?  Ever enrolled or submitted work to exhibit and never received a response?

Time for a change! 

Membership is open to individuals only. Individual Artists or aspiring artists ready to promote their individual and original work. We do not allow membership to groups, couples or businesses selling commercial & manufactured products.
Become a member of the South Carolina Artists and start exhibiting today!
Read below for more information...


Whether you are an artist or simply enjoy art...we appreciate you!
We are an artists-for-artists group dedicated to providing public exhibits, professional support and ongoing inspiration for the community as a whole.  As artists we understand art must be exhibited to truly be appreciated.  Our mission is to visually enrich and strengthen the community by promoting the exhibition of local, professional art in work spaces and general public areas.

We Do 

  • Organize consistent exhibits
  • Arrange events & parties
  • Work with businesses who respect art and share our goal to improve the overall quality of life in SC through art
  • Provide consistent promos for all members

  • Reasonable fee with no additional fees

  • Offer mentoring up-to-date info to assist with sales
  • ​Encourage respect, communication & creativity

​​Membership benefits: as a member you will receive access to the SCA Members (updated weekly) newsletter. The SCA Members Newsletter includes dates & times for art openings, signup for exhibits & events, participate in group tours, enjoy member luncheons, promotions, professional exhibit and event display set up and more. 
Increase your online presence with a listing on the website, promos, announcements on social sites, group blog and more.  All members are provided the opportunity to promote & show their work in consistent 30 day, 2, 4 & 6 month rotating exhibits in businesses throughout SC, all artists do is sign up.

South Carolina Artists © 2010 - 2024


All reasonable care will be taken of artwork on display. Both participating businesses and SCA do not assume any liability for damage to any property because of accidents, theft, fire, the elements, and other conditions. No claims for injury to any person or damage to property shall be asserted or suit instituted or maintained against the said business or SCA by any person/s. Artist agree to install original art at specified time for specified period of time same for removal of same work at specified dates/time. Work not removed will be donated or auctioned based on neglect by the individual artist, not need for funding of the group. Due diligence will be used by said business to ensure the safety and respect of all installed/exhibited art. We are a professional organization and are here to help never harm, as such, members who consistently; neglect rotations, disregard times & dates (show up late or not at all), contact SCA locations to hang their work instead of the group, will have their work removed and membership terminated. Dues are non-refundable.

*Completion of this application signifies an acceptance of liability.

​SCA is a not-for-profit group. Individual memberships are the primary source of funding to maintain SCA. Membership allow us to produce and maintain email, website, provide consistent communication about art opportunities, exhibits, shows and promotions. All art must be the original work by the artist. ​

omplete application below (we do not share or sell any applicants private information) and pay membership fee.

Payments accepted safe and secure via Pay Pal only. 

Membership includes 4% processing fee. Once application and fee are received membership will become active.